Ebru Boyar & Kate Fleet (2023) The League of Nations and Turkish political refugees in Greece in the early 1930s, Middle Eastern Studies, DOI: 10.1080/00263206.2023.2255139

Ebru Boyar and Kate Fleet (eds.), Borders, Boundaries and Belonging in Post-Ottoman Space in the Interwar Period (Leiden: Brill, 2023).

Ebru Boyar and Kate Fleet, ch. 5, “Great Britain and ‘a small and poor peasant state’: Turkey, Britain and the 1930 Anglo-Turkish Treaty of Commerce and Navigation”, in From Enemies to Allies Turkey and Britain, 1918–1960, ed. Daniel-Joseph MacArthur-Seal, Dirlek Barlas and William Hale (London: Routledge, 2023).


Ebru Boyar and Kate Fleet (eds.), Entertainment Among the Ottomans (Leiden: Brill, 2019).


Ebru Boyar and Kate Fleet (eds.), Middle Eastern and North African Societies in the Interwar Period (Leiden: Brill, 2018).

Ebru Boyar, “Taking health to the village: early Turkish republican health propaganda in the countryside”, in Middle Eastern and North African Societies in the Interwar Period (Leiden: Brill, 2018), pp. 164-211

Kate Fleet, “The provision of water to Istanbul from Terkos: continuities and change from empire to republic”, in Middle Eastern and North African Societies in the Interwar Period (Leiden: Brill, 2018), pp. 212-38.  

Ebru Boyar Medicine in practice: European influences on the Ottoman medical habitatTurkish Historical Review9/3 (2018), pp. 213-241. 


Ebru Boyar and Kate Fleet (eds.), Ottoman Women in Public Space (Brill: Leiden, 2016). 

Ebru Boyar, “Chapter 7: an imagined moral community: Ottoman female public presence,honour and marginality”, in Ottoman Women in Public Space (Leiden: Brill, 2016), pp. 187-229. 

Ebru Boyar, “Chapter 8: the public presence and political visibility of Ottoman women”, in Ottoman Women in Public Space (Leiden: Brill, 2016), pp. 230-52. 

Kate Fleet, “Chapter 4: the powerful public presence of the Ottoman female consumer”, in Ottoman Women in Public Space (Leiden: Brill, 2016), pp. 91-127. 

Kate Fleet, “Chapter 5: the extremes of visibility: slave women in Ottoman public space”, in Ottoman Women in Public Space (Leiden: Brill, 2016), pp. 128-49. 

Suraiya N. Faroqhi and Kate Fleet (eds.), Türkiye Tarihi 1453-1603Bülent Üçpunar (trans.) (İstanbul: Kitap Yayınevi, 2016). 

Kate Fleet, “2. Osmanlılar, 1451-1603: Siyasi Tarihe Bir Giriş”, in Suraiya N. Faroqhi and Kate Fleet (eds.), Türkiye Tarihi 1453-1603Bülent Üçpunar (trans.) (İstanbul: Kitap Yayınevi, 2016), pp. 47-76. 

Kate Fleet, “5. Akdeniz’de Osmanlı Genişlemesi”, in Suraiya N. Faroqhi and Kate Fleet (eds.), Türkiye Tarihi 1453-1603Bülent Üçpunar (trans.) (İstanbul: Kitap Yayınevi, 2016), pp. 189-226. 

Ebru Boyar, “4. Doğu’da Osmanlı Genişlemesi”, in Suraiya N. Faroqhi and Kate Fleet (eds.), Türkiye Tarihi 1453-1603Bülent Üçpunar (trans.) (İstanbul: Kitap Yayınevi, 2016), pp. 113-88). 

Kate Fleet, “The Ottomans in the Mediterranean in the later fifteenth century: the strategy of Mehmed II”, Storja (2015), 19-36. 

Ebru Boyar, review of Schull, Kent F., Prisons in the Late Ottoman Empire: Microcosms of Modernity (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2014), in Journal of Islamic Studies, 27/3 (2016), 404-7. 


Ebru Boyar, review of Yosmaoğluİpek, Blood Ties: Religion, Violence, and the Politics of Nationhood in Ottoman Macedonia, 1878–1908 (Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 2014), The American Historical Review, 120/2 (2015), 749-750. 

Ebru Boyar, review of Çalış-Kural, B. Deniz, Şehrengiz: Urban Rituals and Deviant Sufi Mysticism in Ottoman Istanbul (Surrey and Burlington: Ashgate, 2014), in International Journal of Turkish Studies, 21/1-2 (2015), 200-3. 

Kate Fleet, “Florence and the Ottoman empire in the second half of the fifteenth century”, in Ötekilerin Peşinde Ahmet Yaşar Ocak Armağanı

[Festschrift for Ahmet Yaşar Ocak], ed. Mehmet Öz and Fatih Yeşil (Timaş Yayınları, 2015). 

Kate Fleet, “Geç Osmanlı-Erken Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Döneminde Yabancılara Verilen Ekonomik İmtiyazlar” [Foreign economic concessions in the late Ottoman Empire- early Turkish Republic], in Uygur Kocabaşoğlu’na Armağan [Festschrift for Uygur Koçabaşoğlu], special issue of Kebikeç, 39 (spring 2015), 343-62. 


Kate Fleet and Svetla Ianeva, Ottoman Economic Practices in Periods of Transformation: The Cases of Crete and Bulgaria (Ankara: Türk Tarih Kurumu Basımevi, 2014). 

Ebru Boyar, “The impact of the Balkan Wars on Ottoman history writing: searching for a soul”, Hakan Yavuz (ed.), The First World War in the Middle East, Special Issue Middle East Critique, 23/2 (2014), pp. 147-59. 

Ebru Boyar and Kate Fleet, Osmanlı İstanbul’unun Toplumsal Tarihi, Serpil Çağlayan (trans.) (İstanbul: İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları, 2014) (Turkish translation). 

Erol Baykal, “Istanbul during the Balkan Wars (1912–1913)”, Turkish Historical Review, 5/2 (2014), pp. 141-64. 

Kate Fleet, “The Ottoman economy, c.1300-c.1585”, History Compass, 12/5 (2014), pp. 455–64. 


Ebru Boyar, “Chapter 15: the Ottoman city”, in Peter Clark (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Cities in World History (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013), pp. 275-91. 

Ebru Boyar and Kate Fleet, “Fener”, The Encyclopedia of Islam Three, fascicle 2013-1 (Leiden: Brill, 2013), pp. 114-15. 

Suraiya N. Faroqhi and Kate Fleet (eds.), The Cambridge History of Turkey,vol. II The Ottoman Empire as a World Power, 1453-1603 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013). 

Kate Fleet, “Chapter 1: The Ottomans, 1453-1603: a political history introduction”, in Suraiya N. Faroqhi and Kate Fleet (eds.), The Cambridge History of Turkey, vol. II The Ottoman Empire as a World Power, 1453-1603 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013), pp. 19-43. 

Kate Fleet, “Chapter 5: Ottoman expansion in the Mediterranean”, in Suraiya N. Faroqhi and Kate Fleet (eds.), The Cambridge History of Turkey,vol. II The Ottoman Empire as a World Power, 1453-1603(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013), pp. 141-72. 

Ebru Boyar, “Chapter 4: Ottoman expansion in the East”, Suraiya N. Faroqhi and Kate Fleet (eds.), Cambridge History of Turkey, vol. II,The Ottoman Empire as a World Power, 1453-1603 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013), pp. 74-140. 

Ebru Boyar, “Türk Mezalimi” ve/veya “Rus Barbarlıkları”: 93 Harbi Sırasında İngiliz Basını ve Siyasi Tercihler”, İsmail Mangaltepe and Ali Fuat Örenç (eds.), Balkanlar ve Göç. The Balkans and Mass Immigration (Bursa: Bursa Büyükşehir Belediyesi Yayınları, 2013), pp. 173-187. 


Kate Fleet, “Chapter 13: Turks, Mamluks and Latin merchants: commerce, conflict and co-operation in the eastern Mediterranean”, in Jonathan Harris, Catherine Holmes and Eugenia Russell (eds.), Byzantines, Latins and Turks in the Eastern Mediterranean World after 1150 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012), pp. 327-44. 

Ebru Boyar, review of Christine M. Philliou, Biography of an Empire: Governing Ottomans in an Age of Revolution (Berkeley and Los Angeles: University  of  California  Press,  2011), American Historical Review, 117/3 (2012), pp. 973-974. 

Ebru Boyar, review of Baki Tezcan, The Second Ottoman Empire. Political and Social Transformation in the Early Modern Europe (Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 2010), Journal of Islamic Studies, 23/3 (2012), pp. 394-397. 


Kate Fleet, “Chapter 11: The rise of the Ottomans”, in Maribel Fierro (ed.), The New Cambridge History of Islam, vol. II The Eleventh to Eighteenth Centuries (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010), pp. 313-31. 

Erol Baykal, “The Ottoman press and the Dutch East Indies at the beginning of the twentieth century” Turkish Historical Review, 2/1 (2011), pp. 1-17. 

Ebru Boyar, ““An inconsequential boil” or a “terrible disease“? Social perceptions of and state responses to syphilis in the late Ottoman empire”, Turkish Historical Review, 2/2 (2011), pp. 101-24. 

Kate Fleet, “Money and politics: the fate of British business in the new Turkish Republic”, Turkish Historical Review, 2/1 (2011), pp. 18-38. 

Erol Baykal, “Periodicals of the Hakkı Tarık Us Collection”, Turkish Historical Review, 2/2 (2011), pp. 205-12. 


Ebru Boyar and Kate Fleet,A Social History of Ottoman Istanbul (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010). 

Ebru Boyar, “Turkish-Bulgarian relations in the early Turkish Republic: The view from Ankara”, in Mustafa Türkeş (ed.), Turkish-Bulgarian Relations Past and Present (Istanbul: TASAM, 2010), pp. 57-69. 


Kate Fleet (ed.), The Cambridge History of Turkey ,vol. I,Byzantium to Turkey 1071-1453 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009). 

Kate FleetErken Osmanlı Döneminde Türk-Ceneviz TicaretiÖzkan Akpınar (trans.) (Istanbul: Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları, 2009) (Turkish translation) 

Ebru Boyar and Kate Fleet (eds.), “The Ottomans and wealth: a comparative perspective”, Oriens, 37 (2009), pp. 103-269. 

Kate Fleet, “Chapter 7: The Turkish economy, 1071-1453”, in Kate Fleet (ed.), The Cambridge History of Turkey, vol. IByzantium to Turkey 1071-1453 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009), pp. 227-65. 

Kate Fleet, “Osmanlı Devleti’nin Erken Döneminde Doğu Akdeniz ve Karadeniz’de Denizcilik Faaliyetleri”, in İdris Bostan and Salih Özbaran (eds.), Türk Denizcilik Tarihi (Istanbul, 2009), I, pp. 63-71. 

Ebru Boyar, “Profitable prostitution: State use of immoral earnings for social benefit in the late Ottoman empire”, Revue Bulgare d’histoireBulgarian Historical Review, 1-2 (2009), pp. 143-57. 

Ebru Boyar, “Savaş ve Basın: Türk Ulusal Kurtuluş Savaşı ve İngilizThe Times Gazetesi (1919-1922)”, ODTÜ Gelişme Dergisi – METU Studies in Development, 36/2 (2009), pp. 291-324. 

Ebru Boyar, review of Mustafa Aksakal, The Ottoman Road to War in 1914. The Ottoman Empire and the First World War (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2008), American Historical Review, 114/4 (2009), pp. 1194-5. 

Kate Fleet, review of M. Şükrü Hanioğlu, A Brief History of the Late Ottoman Empire (Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2009), Journal of Islamic Studies, 20/3 (2009), pp. 447-8. 

Kate Fleet, review of Roxani Eleni Margariti, 150 Years in the Life of a Medieval Arabian Port. Aden and the Indian Ocean Trade (Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, 2007), The Historian, 71/2 (2009), pp. 394-5 

Kate Fleet, review of Edward J. Erikson, Ottoman Army Effectiveness in World War I: a Comparative Study (London: Routledge, 2007), Journal of Islamic Studies 20/2 (2009), pp. 283-5. 

Kate Fleet, review of Siriol Davies and Jack L. Davis (eds.), Between Venice and Istanbul. Colonial Landscapes in Early Modern Greece (Athens: The American School of Classical Studies at Athens, 2007), Journal of Field Archaeology, 34/1 (2009), pp. 105-8 

Kate Fleet, review of Rhoads Murphey, Studies on Ottoman Society and Culture 16th-18thCenturies(Aldershot: Ashgate Variorum, 2007), Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, 71/1 (2009), pp. 169-71. 

Kate Fleet, review of Clara Bargellini (trans.), The Travels and Journal of Ambrosio Bembo, edited and annotated with an introduction by Anthony Welch (Berkeley, Los Angeles and London: University of California Press, 2007), Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, 71/2 (2009), pp. 399-401. 


Ebru Boyar and Kate Fleet, “A dangerous axis: the “Bulgarian Müftü”, the Turkish opposition and the Ankara government, 1928-1936”, Middle Eastern Studies, 44/5 (2008), pp. 775-89. 

Kate Fleet, review of Elizabetta Borromeo, Voyageurs occidentaux dans l’Empire ottoman (1600-1644), 2 volumes (Paris: Institut Français d’Études Anatoliennes, Maisonneuve & Larose, 2007), Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, 18/3 (2008), pp. 366-8. 

Kate Fleet, review of Hülya Canbakal, Society and Politics in an Ottoman Town. ‘Ayntāb in the 17th century (Leiden: Brill, 2007), Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, 18/4 (2008), pp. 521-2. 

Kate Fleet, review of Benjamin Lellouch, Les Ottomans en ÉgypteHistoriens et conquérants au XVIesiècle (Paris and Louvain: Peeters, 2006), Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, 18/3 (2008), pp. 364-6. 

Kate Fleet, review of ZarinebafFariba, John Bennet, and Jack L. Davis, A Historical and Economic Geography of Ottoman Greece: The Southwestern Morea in the 18th Century (Athens: American School of Classical Studies, 2005), Journal of Hellenic Studies, 128 (2008), pp. 289-90. 


Ebru Boyar, Ottomans, Turks and the Balkans: Empire Lost, Relations Altered (London and New York: IB Tauris, 2007). 

Ebru Boyar, review of Jens Hanssen, Fin de Siècle Beirut. The Making of An Ottoman Provincial Capital (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 2005), Journal of Islamic Studies, 18/1 (2007), pp. 128-31. 

Kate Fleet, review of Niccolò Capponi, Victory of the West. The Story of the Battle of Lepanto (London: Pan Books, 2007), BBC History, 8/11 (November, 2007), p. 64. 


Kate Fleet, European and Islamic Trade in the Early Ottoman Trade. The Merchants of Genoa and Turkey (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006) (paperback edition). 

Ebru Boyar and Kate Fleet (eds.), The Ottomans and Trade  (Oriente Moderno, XXV (LXXXVI)) (Rome, 2006). 

Ebru Boyar, “Public good and private exploitation: criticism of the tobacco Régie in 1909” in Ebru Boyar and Kate Fleet (eds.), The Ottomans and Trade (Oriente Moderno, XXV/I) (Rome, 2006), pp. 193-200. 

Kate Fleet, “Law and trade in the early 15th century: the case of Cagi Sati Oglu”, in Ebru Boyar and Kate Fleet (eds.), The Ottomans and Trade (Oriente Moderno, XXV/I) (Rome, 2006), pp. 187-91. 

Ebru Boyar, “The press and the palace: The two way relationship between Abdülhamid II and the press, 1876-1908”, Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, 69/3 (2006), pp. 417-32. 

Kate Fleet, review of Caroline Finkel, Osman’s Dream. The Story of the Ottoman Empire 1300-1923(London: John Murray, 2005), Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, 16/3 (2006), pp. 307-9. 

Kate Fleet, review of Nancy Bisaha, Creating East and West. Renaissance Humanists and the Ottoman Turks (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2004), Speculum, 81/2 (2006), pp. 487-8. 


Kate Fleet, “Fickle deceivers: Iranians viewed from the Porte at the end of the 19th century”, in Michele Bernardini and Natalia L. Tornesello (eds.),Scritti in onore di Giovanni M. D’Erme, 2 vols. (Series Minor 68) (Naples, 2005), I, pp. 327-40. 

Kate Fleet, “I documenti finanziari ottomani”, Litterae Caelestes, I (2005), pp. 81-7. 

Ebru Boyar and Kate Fleet, ‘“Making Turkey and the Turkish revolution known to foreign nations without any expense”: Propaganda films in the early Turkish Republic”, Oriente Moderno, 24 (LXXXV)/1 (2005), pp. 117-32. 

Ebru Boyar, review of Robert Dankoff, An Ottoman Mentality. The World of Evliya Çelebi, with an afterword by Gottfried Hagen (Leiden-Boston: Brill, 2004), Eurasian Studies, 4/1 (2005), pp. 122-5. 

Kate Fleet, review of Michel Tuchscherer (ed.), Le commerce du café avant l’ère des plantations coloniales (Cairo, 2001), Middle East Studies Association Bulletin, 39/1 (2005), pp. 124-5. 

Kate Fleet, review of IstvánZombori (ed.), Fight against the Turk in Central Europe in the First Half of the 16th Century (Budapest: Magyar Egyháztörténeti Enciklopédia Munkaközösség, 2004), Journal of Early Modern History, 9/3-4 (2005), pp. 404-7. 


Maurits van den Boogert and Kate Fleet (ed.), The Ottoman Capitulations: text and context (Oriente Moderno, XXII/3) (Rome, 2003). 


The Skilliter Centre published the journal Eurasian Studies jointly with l’Istituto per l’Oriente C.A. Nallino, Rome between 2002 and 2007.


Kate Fleet (ed.), The Ottomans and the Sea (Oriente Moderno, XX/1) (Rome, 2001). 


Kate Fleet (ed.), The Ottoman Empire in the Eighteenth Century (Oriente Moderno, 18/1) (Rome, 1999).